Smartest Photography Options with Seal Higgins Now

saen higgins photography

Do not eat heavily right before the photoshoot. If the time for shooting falls on a day, have a good breakfast in the morning, and before taking a meal, take a small snack or cook food to arrange yourself a short lunch during the break during the photoshoot.

Take care in advance of the readiness of your face for the work of a makeup artist. Before you go to the place of beauty, apply a large layer of moisturizer to clean skin. It will help you to avoid strong peeling, and the makeup will lie more evenly. With the saen higgins photography you can go for the best choices now.

If you have some free time, we recommend spending it with benefits. About 1-2 weeks before the shooting, start a short course of relaxing massage. It will help you feel your body and get rid of clamps, as well as give your skin a more fresh and toned look.

At the time of the photoshoot, forget about embarrassment, otherwise, you are unlikely to get truly bewitching pictures. Of course, this will not be possible to do immediately. Typically, models lose only towards the end of shooting, and it is during this period that the photographer takes the most attractive pictures.

saen higgins photography

Going to shoot

Going to a photoshoot, the girl wants to provide absolutely all the details of the process. To speed up the preparation and save the models from unnecessary worries, we present to you a list of the main things that you should take with you for boudoir photography.

Additional accessories

Grab a pair of necklaces or beads from home in case you and the photographer decide to create an extra focus on the photo. You can take ordinary jewelry or a pendant with precious stones. However, try to be extremely careful in this matter. The decorations on the set are needed only to emphasize your beauty, and not wealth and wealth.


You can bring several pairs of shoes with you. It is desirable that among them were monophonic boats of soft color. You will be able to set a certain mood of the picture, timely changing accessories and shoes.

Comfortable and loose dressing gown

Before you expose some parts of your body in front of the camera, it will take some time for the red traces of the elastic of the skirt and the tight belt of the trousers to disappear, as well as the traces of the everyday bra. A soft bathrobe will help you get rid of redness and, thanks to its loose fit, will not allow redness to appear again.

Sets of linen

It is better to take several options with you to choose the best image with the photographer.

Choose linen

You have the right to choose absolutely any type of underwear for a photoshoot, and it is not at all necessary that the bra and swimming trunks are from the same set. Now such a stunning and effective version of underwear as a body has gained its popularity. The body always looks stylish and attractive. It is perfect for girls who want to hide their tummy. A boudoir wrap will complement the airy look and will always look appropriate. When it comes to fashion photography, pictures from fashion magazines pop up in my head, where the models are in strange poses and clothes, with bold and bright makeup.

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